At this year’s annual International Warehouse Logistics Association convention (IWLA), it was announced that a new Fulfillment Council is being launched. As long standing members of IWLA, IDS CEO and former IWLA Chairman, Mark Defabis will be leading the fulfillment council.
The thirst for knowledge among fulfillment service providers has been growing for years. The fulfillment council was formed to answer the call for a space that fulfillment experts and novices can come together to learn about and discuss the industry. The fulfillment council will come together to discuss best practices, new technologies, as well as providing a collective voice to speak to federal, state, and local regulations that impact the fulfillment industry.
The initial meeting of the IWLA Fulfillment Council was one of the largest events attended at this years IWLA convention. Following up on this success, IWLA will be offering targeting educational opportunities to fulfillment service providers starting this year.
IDS is committed to providing expert insights on the Fulfillment Industry that have been gained during over 60 years of being a dedicated fulfillment provider. Already the fulfillment council has begun to prepare topics of discussion and identifying speakers for the upcoming IWLA events that will heavily focus on fulfillment company’s interests. The upcoming events are:
-Technology and Operations Summit in September 2017
-IWLA Insurance and Legal Symposium in November 2017
With IDS at the helm and joined by companies such as Fed Ex and UPS, IWLA is bringing together some of the biggest and best fulfillment service providers to create this platform for the fulfillment industry. Throughout 2017, IWLA will be reaching out to even more members of the fulfillment industry to tell them about the fulfillment council and the benefits of IWLA.
Mark Defabis, CEO of Integrated Distribution Services, said “I am proud to be a part of the IWLA’s efforts to bring fulfillment service providers together in a way that will benefit each and every company and in the end better serve the fast growing ecommerce industry.” IWLA is the first organization to offer this type of hands on, usable information about fulfillment. IDS is committed to the ideal that together, we can answer the challenges with fulfillment services and carry the industry into the next decade and beyond.