Reducing Accessorial Shipping Charges

Reducing Accessorial Shipping Charges

For nearly all ecommerce companies shipping direct to consumer, shipping expenses is one of the biggest impacts on the bottom line.  Finding ways to reduce shipping costs can be an ongoing battle, but understanding how shipping costs are calculated and what impacts...
4 Top Order Fulfillment KPIs

4 Top Order Fulfillment KPIs

  Mike DeFabis discusses the most important order fulfillment KPIs that retailers should be focusing on. These include: Order Accuracy Inventory Accuracy Receiving Speed Shipping Timeliness
4 Top Order Fulfillment KPIs

How to Offer Free Shipping and Lower Your Shipping Costs

Mike DeFabis discusses strategies retail and ecommerce shippers can use to offer free shipping to their customers in this video. Additionally, Mike talks about ways you can lower your shipping costs to offset the effect of offering free shipping. Internet Retailer :...
Branding the Inside of the Box: Necessity or Luxury?

Branding the Inside of the Box: Necessity or Luxury?

We know that consumer knowledge of a brand has a significant impact on customer acquisition and retention. Branding the inside of your box can impact market presence and awareness in many ways.  First, consider the power of word of mouth. 83% of consumers value peer...